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3/4G fail over with ADSL, Load blance, multiple DHCP on different ports and Bandwidth limitation

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2018 12:13 am
by samozien
I am happy having a Mikrotik RB2011uiAS2HnD however i have a big plan for my network and did not find yet the optimal solution
what i do have as inputs:
3G connection over USB modem
2x ADSL connection coming from ADSL TP-Link routers

Output that i want:
1- Load balance on the 2x ADSL connection on port 1 and 2 , the output Local shall be on port 9 and 10 as a bridge ( both act like one port/switch )
2-Failover over 3G, if the connection on the both ADSL is down then the local will get from the 3G connection and activate it, when one of the ADSL back online the 3G shall go down and stay ready.
3- Bandwidth limitation on port 9 ( down is 64K and up is 64k ) while port 10 is unlimited
4- does point 3 work with one DHCP or i need different DHCP on each port ?
5- Activate the wireless as AP and distribute internet connection from port 9 ( same IP nw and bandwidth limitation )

Are the above doable, who can help please with threads or programming or hints if possible ?

Thanks a lot