for the communication of a PLC with a sub module I would like to use the new Wireless Wire devices to establish a layer 2 connection (layer 2 is needed by the PLC). Before buying those devices, I would like to test the setup with mikrotik hardware I already have. In the past I already configured a wireless layer2 bridge but I always had some troubles with it.
I tried to find information in the wiki and in the forum but I wasn't able to find answers to the following two questions:
a) Can I run my test with other mikrotik devices and conclude that it will be working / not working with the wireless wire?
b) Where can I find the default configuration that is used in the wireless wire devices?
I am aware that the frequency of the wireless wire is higher and thus the speed is expected to be higher. For testing purpose this should not matter to my setup.
Any help is highly appreciated.
Thanks, Lui