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Action timed out during script execution

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2018 5:01 pm
by sdlkjv

i am trying to automate setting up CRS326 with a script. It is working well except where the script is signing certificates (key-size=4096), when it takes too long the script does stop with "action timed out - try again, if error continues contact MikroTik support and send a supout file (13)".
How can i raise the timeout or execute the script in a way that waits until the command is actually finished?

Re: Action timed out during script execution

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 8:03 am
by SumNathan
I know this is very old but I've run into exactly the same issue.

This is not the smartest way to deal with it but at least it works enough for the script to continue. You may need to increase the delay depending on what device you have.
/certificate add name=hello copy-from=client-template common-name=hello@somewhere.example

:do {
  /certificate sign [find name=hello] ca=CA name=hello
} on-error={ :log warning "waiting for cert to generate"; :delay 120 }
A smarter way would be a delay inside a loop that checks if the cert is signed yet.

Re: Action timed out during script execution

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 2:54 pm
by rextended
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