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BGP Lab - ISP configuration

Thu Feb 15, 2018 3:01 pm

I am working to build a BGP lab from 6 Router board RB2011ils-in and 1 360GSP switches. I want to be able to have something that both myself and my fellow engineers can play with to assist us in understanding the protocols. So, I am posting on this forum for your assistance in the configuration of the ISP router.

So far I have 4 networks that will be on it. Each one in its own VRF and in its own AS#. My Network topology is as follows:
Interface 1 is actual uplink to an internet connection with NAT/PAT to allow some advanced testing and firmware updates.
AS2000 = Router IP VRF 2000 allocated to interfaces 2,3 and WiFi with DHCP scope for remote connectivity.
AS3000 = Router IP VRF 3000 allocated to interfaces 4,5
AS4000 = Router IP VRF 4000 allocated to interfaces 6,7
AS5000 = Router IP VRF 5000 allocated to interfaces 8,9
I have short cables linking interfaces 3-4, 5-6, and 7-8 together to facilitate a BGP route path.

Note: this is a simulation of 1 enterprise company with dual ISP but at geographically separated locations with the requirement of BGP best path/load balance. So the intent is to simulate FULL BGP paths.

The client will only connect to ports 2 and 9 for ISPA and ISPB connectivity and BGP neighbors. ISPA will have the connection to the internet.

I will post what I have configured in a day or two.

Here is the logical topology of how the additional gear is hocked up:
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Re: BGP Lab - ISP configuration

Fri Feb 16, 2018 10:39 am

Thanks for your sharing.
But i prefer to know exactly how you config this BGP lab.
So,can you show your configuration to me as an example.
Best Regard.

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