Hi, running an hAP AC on v6.41.2 as my internet gateway and wireless AP at home. It randomly reboots about once every few days. Not sure why but it only seems to be when I am using my Macbook Pro. The wireless connection from the MBP starts to lose packets, then I hear the beep of the device rebooting and in the log I see the message the watchdog rebooted the device.
Signal is relatively low (-75 to -80) when it happens, but if it was signal only, I would expect packet loss on laptop, but not the hAP to reboot.
It's been happening for a few months now and I've been applying latest package updates each time, but never seem to help.
I am using default wireless settings in ap bridge mode for 2.4 and 5Ghz wireless radios, except of course custom SSID and password.
Any advice? Could it be a failing device?