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Hex lite only failover with 2 WAN (Dynamic ISP + PPPOE ISP)

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2018 3:50 pm
by byron832002
Hi everybody, im using Mikrotiks for a year now with excelents results but i mus admit i always used the quickset option. Now i have this scenario:

1-ISP - Dynamic IP (50mb)
2-ISP - PPPOE (4mb)
+ Mikrotik HEX Lite

Can anyone point me in the direction of a tutorial to configure only failover option (poor bandwidth of 2-ISP) ?

Thanks in advance

Re: Hex lite only failover with 2 WAN (Dynamic ISP + PPPOE ISP)

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2018 4:11 pm
by JB172

Re: Hex lite only failover with 2 WAN (Dynamic ISP + PPPOE ISP)

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2018 7:39 pm
by anav
Hey very nice first link, short and sweet.

I ahve the same scenario in having a primary ISP and a secondary ISP for backup (much slower) and am just starting to program and eventually move to the HEX unit (in test/developmnet)

Does the Mikro hex series have the concept of trunks?
In other words, one defines the interfaces within a trunk ie wan1 and wan2, then defines the type of load balancing between the interfaces in the trunk.
be the load balancing option of Failover or sometimes called active/passive, load sharing by connection, load sharing by percentage of load etc.......................

Then when making routing rules one can say.
All traffic from the office staff, next hop is the trunk,
All traffic from Peter, next hop is wan1
All traffic from server, next hop is wan2


All those devices requiring access 24/7 (failure occurs in WAN1 get routed to WAN2).
All those devices that are perhaps transient and get specific WAN flow to wan1 but no need for failover.......
All those devices (perhaps email traffic) that need specific WAN flow to wan2 ...........

Re: Hex lite only failover with 2 WAN (Dynamic ISP + PPPOE ISP)

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2018 9:29 pm
by JB172
There are many things you can do.
Check this section in Wiki:

Re: Hex lite only failover with 2 WAN (Dynamic ISP + PPPOE ISP)

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 4:49 am
by thiagohfl
My indication is:

1) Did you already setup your interfaces? If so, mark PPPoE to not add default route.

2) Go to IP > Routes and add your default routes
  • 1-ISP: dst-adress= gateway=1-ISP distance=1
  • 2-ISP: dst-adress= gateway=2-ISP (probably the name is pppoe-out1) distance=2
This is enought to get failover, but in my case, I optimized this using NETWATCH to check (each 10s) if 1-ISP is UP, if don't, it will disable my route (defined above) from 1-ISP, when it's UP, it will be enable again.