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bug on disapearing nics

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2018 1:04 am
by fjacques
i have a nutanix cluster, i add the snmp cred's , all gets done ok, i get interfaces etc..


i add interface, then all good, for 10 seconds, with traffic, then boom interface disapears from the list leaving me with eth1 and lo1
if i select eth1 then ill get only lo1 after a few secs

runnign latest stable 6.41.2

Re: bug on disapearing nics

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2018 9:59 am
by eriitguy
Hello, fjacques!

We have noticed something similar but with earlier version of Dude v6. Interfaces LAN1, DMZ and WAN disappeared from the list.
It also was noticed that Dude v3.6 in same time show all correctly.
Request was sent to support: "[Ticket#2017062122000832] Dude v6 - SNMP tab data incorrect".
In our case, interfaces disappear in some days, not in 10 seconds and in some cases not all interfaces disappear and only DMZ or LAN1 or WAN.
After Dude backup is done, they reappear back. We use regular backup as a workaround :)

Thank you!

Re: bug on disapearing nics

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2018 11:47 am
by sid5632
Yes, I see things like this too.
Also get duplicated rows on the IP, Route, CPU, Storage etc. tabs.
Very frustrating. The 'cure' is to stop and restart the Dude server which is a nuisance.

Re: bug on disapearing nics

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2018 2:41 pm
by fjacques
thanks stop/start works, nics came back

how do you do a dude backup ?

Also is there a way to save layout ?if i rescan a new network and add to map it destroys my layout , which takes 2-3 hours to redo..

Re: bug on disapearing nics

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 1:34 pm
by eriitguy
We use Dude v6 - Backup to FTP.
Dude v6 - Backup locally make same thing.

Can't say currently anything about layout and discovery - we add all devices manually.

Thank you!