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Upload / Download

Thu Mar 08, 2018 3:48 pm


Is there a way you look at upload figures and download figures that pass through the unit.

I have a locked down unit, that is set to only allow ports we allow out (ip - firewall - filter)

as a Chain forward - source is LAN Subnet ( Dest is protocol is tcp and port is 443 for example and action is forward

You can then see on that policy how many hits its had and how many bytes have passed. So presume that is download. But how do you see the upload.
I.e if someone is torrenting and people from exteranl are hitting there torrent client to pull out from the torrent client.

As ISP shows a daily report on Download and Upload, all of a sudden in last few weeks upload has gone up way beying download. So just trying to pinpoint the cause.

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Re: Upload / Download

Thu Mar 08, 2018 7:22 pm

If you only need to verify that the ISP is right, he first place where to look are interface traffic counters - click your uplink (i.e. internet-facing) interface in the list of interfaces, press "reset counters" and scroll down to see the traffic statistics grow.
If you have activated traffic graphing before, it's even simpler, as you can see the in and out traffic there.

The issue with firewall is that you have to know where exactly to put the counter rule (into which table and which chain) so that it would show what you want to see. For initial investigation regarding which of your network devices is responsible for the high amount of traffic, I'd recommend you the "/ip firewall connection" list - if connection tracking is active, you can see all active connections there, with amounts of data passed through them.