you connected cisco and mikrotik in same subnet
so what do you need to nat??
your inside subnets on cisco side reach to mikrotik and in mikrotik in the routing table added and in firewall you can manage any connection that which ip reach to which one
in other way if you connect to mikrotik through the internet connection your configuration on mikrotik side is :
/ip firewall nat
chain = dst-nat
dst-add =ip public on mikrotik
dst-port = 4370
action = dst-nat
to-address = your server address 0r client address
to-port = 4370
on cisco :
for connecting to (mikrotik public ip : 4370 ) your subnets on cisco side must be have an internet simply
if you want your subnets on cisco side have an internet :
ip nat inside source list (access-list number ) (wan interface) overload
or you wanna set static nat :
ip nat inside source static (subnets ips) (ip public on cisco side)
What do you mean by IP public on Mikrotik side ??
The IP for leased line is defined on Mikrotik as, and the cisco interface connecting port 2 on Mikrtoik is as
As for the the rest of my subnet, they already all come out with ip x.x.x.201 and I do have from 202 till 205 free, this is why I used the command
>> Ip nat inside source static tcp 4370 x.x.x.203 4370
So what could have gone wrong on my end to not translate between cisco and mikrotik ?
There is a check in/out device that I needed accessible from outside.