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Newbie Questions to SwOS

Wed Apr 04, 2018 6:16 pm


I didn't really know where to post my topic, since I am a beginner and using a Switch with SwOS.
If it rather belongs to the SwOS Forum, please move it there.

I just bought a RB260GSP (CSS106-1G-4P-1S) Switch and have some minor problems with it.
The standard switch functions just worked out of the box (as expected).
I added the IP on my computer to access the web interface.
First of all I changed the password and upgraded from 2.4 to 2.7.

The first minor problem was that the switch was not able to download the update from the web interface, even though the changelog could be retrieved from the web.
So I downloaded the update on the computer and uploaded it to the switch.

Now it seems as if DHCP doesn't work. If I set Address Acquisition to DHCP with fallback it always uses fallback. If I set it to DHCP only it has no IP Adress and I have to reset the Switch.
On the computer attached to the switch DHCP works without a Problem.

When I access the Web Interface from the computer attached to the switch, I can see the changelog in the "Upgrade" tab.
When I access the Web Interface from another Computer (Computer -> Router -> Switch) everything seems to work, but I see the error "Could not determine latest version, probably no internet connection. Use manual upgrade." Seems strange to me.

These Problems are all no dealbreakers, but the irritate me a little.
Perhaps any of you Pros here could give me a hint in the right direction.

Thanks in advance,

PS: My router is a TP-Link Archer with LEDE 17.01.

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