SFPs are theoretically transparent to L1 technology ... so theoretically you can use same SFP for either ethernet or CPRI. In fact, we are using same SFP+ transcievers for both CPRI (Ericsson) and ethernet (Cisco, Juniper, Ericsson) without any problem.
CPRI tries to re-use several existing transport layers, including IEEE 802.3-2002 (gigabitethernet) and IEEE 802.3-2008 (10GE), but that doesn't mean you can use all of them as you like. there are quite a number of supported bitrates in CPRI, ranging from 640Mbps to 9.9Gbps. obviously rate-depending transceivers cannot be used for anything else. You might had a luck hand by picking the same 10G rate ones for both high speed CPRI and 10GE. rates are detailed on the following pdf on page 51.
http://www.cpri.info/downloads/CPRI_v_4 ... -09-29.pdf
And we did use (by mistake) 2.5Gbps SFPs in dumb 1Gbps ethernet switch with SFP without problem as well.
The big question about those is: do SFP and CPE successfully negotiate the connection speed. And another one: does CPE know how to configure SFP properly (to correct line speed)? I guess Mikrotik has some room for improvement in this field.
to use a multi-rate xceiver you need to negotiate the data rate and also the encoding (page 8 ). this is not supported by routerOS.
https://www.finisar.com/sites/default/f ... eivers.pdf
as it goes for the 2.5Gbps - presumably SONET - transceivers, they do scrambed sonet line encoding which is not compatible with ethernet.
also data rate is influencing the router side communication as well. also, the SFP tells a lot about itself to the device, and ethernet has different compliance codes compared to sonet. (page7)
long story short: it's not going to work.