Not a technical topic this time. More about the product line and where Mikrotik stands in relation to our mother nature.
Because yes, also we users and producers of Mikrotik should look on how we can do better for our environment!
Two items in particular are prone for a huge improvement towards our living environment and it could even save us all money!
1. The amount of plastic in packages for new devices is ridiculous. Power adapter in plastic, the plastic Ty-rap in plastic, the metal clamp in foam (=plastic), a foam sheet on top of each devices, plastic bags for the small screws, that include small plastic plugs and/or other stuff most of us never use.
Most of this plastic is not needed. And after un-packing it ends up as waste and we all know plastic waste in 90% of the cases stays around harming our lands and Oceans for many decades to come.
We/Mikrotik can do better!
2. Most (if not all?) new devices come with adapter and power shot cable. Why? Probably 75% of sold devices are bought by users (special de outdoor stuff) to replace older stuff. Often existing poweradapter and powershots can still be used. Also, many wireless operators work with PoE power supplied from PoE routers or switches so the adapters and powershots are not needed at all...
This creates a huge surplus of these devices. There is no need!
I have only a 800 device network but we have probably the same amount of power adapters and powershots brand new lying waiting in a box to get binned one day! How idiot is that? And last year we already gave 2 boxes full of power cables and power adapters to the waste company.
There are so much of these cables, adapters and powershots around it doesn't even make worth the effort to try to sell them! There is no market!
And every time we replace a CPE or AP by a newer, better model, we yet again get a useless adapter and powershot. WE DO'N'T NEED THEM!
Basically; Together with the inevitable carton boxes etc. each time we buy Mikrotik stuff we buy 25-50% waste! THIS IS RIDICULOUS!!!!
So Mikrotik, PLEASE revise your production lines and see if things can't be changed! Humanity is drowning in its plastic production and pollution so everywhere we should try to do the best to reduce our harmful footprint to the planet we all live on!
Omit the power adapters and powershots from the standard packing. Probably the majority of users don't need them. And those that do, can purchase them from others that have huge surpluses. And off course, if a user still needs these new, they can still be ordered from suppliers.........
In omitting the power adapters the packages can become smaller and lighter. Less transport fees and again good for the environment (less weight to transport, less volume needed) and the price from the package can be reduced a little bit too! This could benefit either the Mikrotik company and/or the customer.
I'd really hope many of Mikrotik users will underwrite or support this plead!
And I hope the Mikrotik management will seriously take a look on this issue!
Let Mikrotik become one of the first company that has the Environment friendly approach as sales point too! This will proof good publicity in the future!