Hello friends, I hope you can help me.
I have an Internet service and data transport with my ISP.
For the transport of data the ISP gives me a Vlan, this is the one that I must use to connect my branches, all with mikrotik.
There are 5 branches that I want to connect through the VLAN, each branch with a different network segment.
Branch 1: LAN LAN IP
Branch 2: LAN LAN IP
Branch 3: LAN LAN IP
Branch 4: LAN LAN IP
Branch 5: LAN LAN IP
On the VLAN interface that I created in each mikrotik of each branch, I created another subnet, example:
Branch 1: Vlan 600 IP
Branch 2: Vlan 600 IP
Branch 3: Vlan 600 IP
Branch 4: Vlan 600 IP
Branch 5: Vlan 600 IP
What I want is that each branch can have connection with the others through the Vlan. Pinging there is a response between 3 of the branches, but the remaining 2 do not receive a response, even when one of them I ping towards a branch, the connection of another falls.
Why does that happen? Do I have to declare something additional on the routes other than the default routes that are created?
I attach an outline