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Why does my packet report incorrect ip?

Thu Jan 25, 2007 9:43 pm

I ran a packetter at the head end of my internet connection and I can setup reports to show were traffic is going and coming. As an example lets say I want to report on who is using web sites.

I setup to track http talker and listners, and I want to see who is transmistting hte most http data.

So I monitor talkers and out on my wireless network (routed ip)...

The packetter shows the ip of the user and % of usage but it also shows the interface IP address and a % as well.

Why would my wireless interface ip show http traffic?

I do autenticate users via pppoe for dedicated customers and I have hotspot enabled. But thers no hotspot users in use when looking at this data.

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About the traffic

Mon Feb 05, 2007 11:57 am

i don't understand what u sayin. I think the point is with mikrotik we can see traffic passed through mikrotik, or the other program. About the hotspot maybe u can try it with urself.., so u can Do u know what i mean???

Thx, :lol:

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