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slow connection over pptp!

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 5:55 pm
by prince1990love
hello everybody
please i need some help for my problem
i have two mikroitk routerboard ccr-1016 with different sites with public ip address
site A: ccr-1016 with pptp-server and public ip address 92.45.31.x and pptp-server ip adress
site B: ccr-1016 with pptp-client from A site with ip address and public ip address 92.45.31.x
and ppp profile is default-encyption with no encyption in both sites and change tcp mss is marked true
when i run bandwidth test from Site B to Site A from public address to public address i get bandwidth result around ~90Mb download and ~75Mb upload
but when i test from to over pptp i get bandwidth test result around ~9Mb download and ~7Mb upload and not stable!!!
why the connection over pptp is too slow?

Re: slow connection over pptp!

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2018 10:01 am
by Van9018
Possibly because the encryption process is maxing out the CPU. Go to Tools > Profiler and do the test again. Is the CPU being maxed? If it gets maxed, packets will be dropped. Thus slower and less reliable.

As far as I know, only IPSec makes use of the AES hardware acceleration. Other protocols such as PPTP and SSTP implement the AES encryption/decryption in software/cpu.

Consider using GRE/IPSec instead of PPTP. In the specs of the ccr-1016 you'll notice the VPN throughput test results are for IPSec when using AES. Never anything else.