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CAPsMan Version

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2018 5:04 pm
by Spartacus
I am a little bit confused.

I am trying to setup two brand new cAPs AC and I am not sure how to check the CAPsMan Version on my RB3011 and the two cAPs. I would like to use CAPsMAN V2 but how can I check this? Is it included in Router OS 6.42.4, or do I have to upgrade CAPsMAN manually? If yes, how does it work?


Re: CAPsMan Version

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2018 5:51 pm
by aix150
You have version 2 - CAPsMAN v2.

Re: CAPsMan Version

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2018 6:06 am
by scampbell
CAPsMAN v2 is included within the Wireless package. Just make sure you have the latest RoS and you are running the latest CAPsMAN :-)

Re: CAPsMan Version and how to start!

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2018 12:53 pm
by Spartacus
thank you very much. I have installed the current OS and it seems to be that the AP is connected to CAPsMan on the RB3011. I can see 2 new interfaces cap1 and cap2 and it seems to be that this belongs to the 2.4GHz and the 5GHz net provided by the cAP AC.

But now I am lost and I struggling with the configuration because i do not know how to start. Maybe someone can give me some guidance

On RB3011 I configured a bridge with differnt VLANs and VLAN-Filtering. This works nice. Now wanted to connect the cap-Interfaces to some of the VLANs but I do not know how to start.
Additionally I do not have a clue how to get the WiFi working with CAPsMan and how I can bind the WiFi-Networks to the existing VLANs.

Can someone help me to find the startingpoint and how I can get this running?

Re: CAPsMan Version

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2018 5:01 pm
by Spartacus
Hi all
I've made some progress!

I assigned the cAP an IP from my Admin LAN (VLAN1). I also created a "Wireless"-configuration and a "Provisioning" -config in CAPsMAn
I changed CAPsMAN Interface to VLAN1.
Radio is connected and it seems to be working with the admin LAN.

But now I wanted to assign different VLANs to the cAP:
All VLANs are configured on RB3011 on the same bridge with VLAN-filtering and are trunked via SFP to an Cisco-Switch, where ether1 of the cAP is connected over an untagged VLAN1-Port-
The Admin LAN (VLAN1) should not be broadcasted via radio; this is only for the AP itselves. VLAN 60, VLAN70, and VLAN99 should be broadcasted, via radio, but I am not sure, how this can be realized. Can someone hlep here?
