Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2018 3:11 pm
Hi everybody,
I need support in setting up a Sonos System accross different VLANs and i don´t know why this doesn´t work:
prerequisite before:
Implementation of:
When a restart the player in vlan30 and one controller in vlan99, I can only see players in vlan99 but not the player in vlan30.
I can also see udp- forward communication between both vlans .
Can someone help to find the issue?
I need support in setting up a Sonos System accross different VLANs and i don´t know why this doesn´t work:
prerequisite before:
- all controller are in vlan99
- moving one player to vlan30
Implementation of:
Code: Select all
/routing pim interface
add interface=vlan30
add interface=vlan99
/ip firewall filter
add chain=forward connection-state=established,related comment="fasttrack established,related" action=fasttrack-connection
add chain=forward connection-state=established,related comment="accept established,related" action=accept
add chain=forward in-interface-list=LAN out-interface-list=WAN protocol=tcp dst-port=25 comment "prevent SPAM" action=drop
add chain=forward connection-state=invalid comment="drop invalid" action=drop
add chain=forward comment="Forward Sonos multicast traffic" dst-address= action=accept
add chain=forward comment="Forward Sonos remote control events to players" in-interface=vlan99 out-interface=vlan30 dst-port=1400,4444 protocol=tcp action=accept
add chain=forward comment="Forward Sonos remote control events from players" in-interface=vlan30 out-interface=vlan99 dst-port=3400,3401,3500 protocol=tcp action=accept
add chain=forward comment="Forward Sonos UPnP device discovery events from players" in-interface=vlan30 out-interface=vlan99 dst-address= dst-port=1900,1901 protocol=udp action=accept
I can also see udp- forward communication between both vlans .
Can someone help to find the issue?