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SR2 and SR9 Back to Back on RB532 Lose Signal

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 5:07 am
by jwcn
I had an AP at a repeater site.

SR9 and SR2 both running in AP mode. Using Queue Tree, Simple Queues, Routing, DHCP client and server.

About 7 CPE devices connecting all signal running -45 to -74 at worst.

After about two weeks the signal dropped to around -88 on all CPE devices.

What happened? I replaced the RB532 with a new one and only installed a new SR2 - not SR2 and SR9 back to back and I'm back good with all CPE devices -45 to -74

Is there an issue running a SR2 and SR9 back to back?

Power was running at 18 volts.

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 8:00 am
by jwamsley
Very similar incident happening with me, but i am running the SR9 and SR2 in a RB153. Random reboots and signal going from -60 range to -80 range on the 2.4 side. SR9 is installed but not being used currently.

as soon as weather cooperates going to pull the SR9 and see if that fixes the problem. 48v POE.


Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 1:25 pm
by slipstream1
I DO NOT place 2.4 ghz cards and the SR9's in the same enclosure. The SR9 is a 2.4 ghz radio with a up/down converter. It is possible, with a 2.4 radio and a SR9 in the same enclosure you will get 2.4 ghz noise being emitted from the SR9 and that could be bad.

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 2:43 pm
by tgrand
Yes to high a power emitted from one pigtail into another can over drive the amplifier of the receiving radio (ie. the second card) and vice-versa.

Use thin copper tubing to sheild the pigtails.. (be sure to ground the copper tubing.)

On another note, If you have a competitors client running an amplifier and it is aimed through your AccessPoint, you can have simular results.

If that signal is on another channel, you can use a cavity filter to allow only the channel you wish to use, thereby blocking the offending signal.

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 7:38 am
by jwcn
When I replaced the routerboard and SR2 the problem went away.