My home LAN has been and my NAS has been for some years. A week ago I installed a new hap ac router and configured everything, including ARP, pointing the usual IP addresses to the right MAC Addresses. Everything was working fine until today the Mikrotik decided the NAS should be instead of after a reboot of the NAS. I can't convince it to go back to the ".11" address, even when attributing the ".13" address to some inexistent MAC address. (I now have two entries in ARP, one for ".11" and another that I keep deleting for ".13") So, my question is, should I accept this change and configure my LAN accordingly until the Mikrotik decides to change the NAS IP address again, or is there something I can do to be the master of my LAN?
PS- I had noticed previously that the Mikrotik likes to distribute IP addresses as it sees fit disregarding my wishes. But since it was on a virtual machine with a "virtual" MAC address, I thought maybe there was something else at play. But now this is getting serious.....