I need help with Multicast Routing and PIM. I installed the PIM Module on RB3011 OS6.42.6. and PIM is not working for my vlans. I am using a bridge with vlan filtering. All vlans are attached to this bridge. I am using Sonos Player in vlan30 and Controllers in vlan10. The configuration of the FW is ok; all Ports are configured as described by Sonos-Support (see below). IGMP-Snooping in Bridge Settings is enabled. I also checked with Wire-Shark and I can see that M-Search-Packages from vlan30 were not received in vlan10. I also disabled all other FW-rules except the Sonos config and it doesn´t work!
I guess it has something to do with the bridge and vlan-Filtering because I checked "Use IP Firewall for VLANs" in the Bridge settings and then Multicast was routed to the other vlans. But if this option is enabled, I cannot access to the internet anymore.
Can anybody help here?
My PIM config:
Code: Select all
/routing pim interface
add comment="Sonos player" interface=vlan30
add interface=vlan10
/routing pim rp
add address=
Code: Select all
/ip firewall address-list
add address= list=SonosControl
/interface list
add name="Sonos Control"
/interface list member
add comment=SONOS interface=vlan10 list="Sonos Control"
Code: Select all
/ip firewall filter
add action=accept chain=forward comment="SONOS: forward Multicast traffic" \
add action=accept chain=forward comment=\
"SONOS: forward Controller events to Players" dst-port=1400,4444,4070 \
in-interface-list="Sonos Control" out-interface=vlan30 protocol=tcp
add action=accept chain=forward comment=\
"SONOS: Forward Contoller events from Players" dst-port=\
3400,3401,3500,4070 in-interface=vlan30 out-interface-list=\
"Sonos Control" protocol=tcp
add action=accept chain=forward comment=\
"SONOS. Forward UPnP Device Discovery events from Players" dst-port=\
136-139,1900,1901,2869,5353,6969 in-interface=vlan30 out-interface-list=\
"Sonos Control" protocol=udp