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How the hotspot works

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2018 1:26 am
by jhonatanmore
Hello everyone

I hope you are well, I would like you to help me understand something:

I would like to know how the hotspot's login works, I notice that when you connect to the Wi-Fi network, it sends you a notification or automatically opens a device's own browser by redirecting you to the login page.

my question is :

- how the hotspot, send that notification to the dispotivo?
- how the hotspot, can you open the browser?
how the firewall rules work in the mikrotik?

I suppose they will be through rules in the firewall.

The main idea of my question is: I would like to send notifications to users in my network, in a period of time and that the browser opens automatically or a notice of notification arrives

I hope you can help me or give me good ideas on how to do it

thank you very much