I hav set up a test set as per enclosed drawing and i cannot get the dhcp working on the vlan. I must do something wrong, but what????
Router hAP lite
Internet access set to automatic on eth1 (gets IPp address etcetera from DHCP server from ISP)
Firewall router, NAT and DHCP are set
Local network IP address
DHCP range
two smart switches are connected to port eth2 and eth3 (see drawing) and the tagged VLANs are connected by the following command
/interface bridge vlan add bridge=bridge1 tagged=ether2,ether3 vlan-ids=220,223,230
/interface bridge set bridge1 vlan-filtering=yes
The RouterOS makes a dynamic VLAN
When device A & B set with fixed IP's (in the same sub net) and connected to the VLAN 222 ports on the switches, communication is working.
I like to connect a DHCP server to this VLAN 222 but without succes.
I connected VLAN to the bridge1 in the interface list as follow:
/interface vlan add interface=bridge1 name=vlan222 vlan-id=222
and added IP address to the VLAN:
/ip address add address= interface=vlan222 network=
made a pool for the DHCP server
/ip pool add name=dhcp-pool-vlan222 ranges=
Added DHCP server and network (gateway not required yet)
/ip dhcp-server add name=dhcp-vlan222 interface=vlan222 address-pool=dhcp-pool-vlan222
/ip dhcp-server network add address=
enabled the dhcp server via WinBox
Device A & B do net get an IP address from the router (device A & B are set to request an IP from a DHCP server)
RouterOS version 6.42.6