We have discovered some issue with latency peaks in our CCR1016-12S-1S+.
Initial remarks:
- In our company we are using Zabbix (v 3.4.11) to monitor our devices. The Zabbix server is directly connected to CCR1016-12S-1S+
The CCR has RouterOS 6.42.1 (Current)
The CCR has SFP modules manufactured by MikroTik
To eliminate our suspicion that maybe the configuration of our production CCR is problematic, we did some test with a simple configuration (25 IP Firewall filter rules and 25 Mangle rules). For the tests we used MT traffic generator.
Also we did the same tests with a CCR1016-12G. The exact configuration we applied on a clean router (no defaults).
Image with latency distribution from traffic generator is in attachment: traffic-generator-distribution.png. In the image we present latency distribution for both routers CCR1016-12S-1S+ and CCR1016-12G) and for different packet size. Check attachment for better image quality. Besides we checked and problem still persist:
- We replaced SFP RJ45 (S-31DLC20D,S-RJ01) in CCR1016-12S-1S+ with DAC SFP cables
All types of interface queues: default-small, default etc.
- those latency peaks always appears on CCR1016-12S-1S+ in same latency ranges 60ms+ m, 28ms+, etc.
the latency peaks don't occur on CCR1016-12G although the boards have the same architecture, CPUs and RAM.
Anyone else facing the same problem with CCR1016-12S-1S+?