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script for find similar domains in dns cache

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2018 2:40 am
by vahid023
hi all
i am using this script to collect ip addresses in dns cache ( for block or separate route )
but it is working only for , now i want to work for any domains that contain (
please help me

:local hosts {""}
:foreach k,v in=$hosts do={
:log info "Doing $v"
:local listname $v
:resolve $v
:local iscname [/ip dns cache all find where name=$v and type="CNAME"]
:if ($iscname != "") do={
:local newname [/ip dns cache all get $iscname data]
:log info "$v is CNAME to $newname"
:set v $newname
:resolve $v
:foreach i in=[/ip dns cache all find where name=$v and type="A"] do={
:local ipaddr [/ip dns cache all get $i data]
/ip firewall address-list add list=$listname address=$ipaddr comment=$v
:log info "IP address: $ipaddr"
/ipv6 firewall address-list remove [/ipv6 firewall address-list find where list=$listname]
:foreach i in=[/ip dns cache all find where name=$v and type="AAAA"] do={
:local ipaddr [/ip dns cache all get $i data]
/ipv6 firewall address-list add list=$listname address=$ipaddr comment=$v
:log info "IPv6 address: $ipaddr"
:log info "end"

Re: script for find similar domains in dns cache

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2018 11:41 am
by ADahi
you welcome
simple, easy and efficient
:do {
:local LIST "instagram";
:local DOMAIN "";
 :foreach Crec in=[/ip dns cache all find where ( ( (type="A") || (type="CNAME") ) && (static=no) && (name~$DOMAIN) )] do={
  :local Cname [/ip dns cache get number=$Crec name]; 
  :local Cdata "";  
  :delay 1000ms;
  :if ([/ip dns cache all get $Crec type]="CNAME") do={ 
   :set $Cdata [:resolve $Cname]; } else={ 
   :set $Cdata [/ip dns cache get number=$Crec address]; } 
  :do {/ip firewall address-list
   :do {add list=$LIST address=$Cdata comment=$Cname disabled=no} on-error={:log warning message="address entry exist: List=$LIST , Host=$Cname , Address=$Cdata";}
} on-error={:log error message="script failed..."}

Re: script for find similar domains in dns cache

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2018 11:09 pm
by vahid023
thank you sir
working well

Re: script for find similar domains in dns cache

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 11:09 am
by ADahi
thank you sir
working well
you welcome :wink: