chr 6.43.1 bandwidth-test status mistake!
Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 9:19 am
/tool bandwidth-test address=XXXXX protocol=tcp direction=both duration=3s user=btest password=btest do={
:if ($status="done testing") do={
i try to test /tool bandwidth-test address=XXXXX protocol=tcp direction=both duration=3s user=btest password=btest
in my terminal on winbox but it not show "status: done testing". it only show "status: running." it make effective my script not work
please help thank
ps. my script it work until after update
:if ($status="done testing") do={
i try to test /tool bandwidth-test address=XXXXX protocol=tcp direction=both duration=3s user=btest password=btest
in my terminal on winbox but it not show "status: done testing". it only show "status: running." it make effective my script not work
status: running
duration: 4s
tx-current: 97.5Mbps
tx-10-second-average: 81.4Mbps
tx-total-average: 81.4Mbps
rx-current: 181.4Mbps
rx-10-second-average: 214.8Mbps
rx-total-average: 214.8Mbps
random-data: no
direction: both
please help thank
ps. my script it work until after update