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How to detect slow speed or if ether1 exceed limit of 50 gb?

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 8:27 pm
by Iron
I want to detect if my internet uplink became slow. I have an limited traffic on ether1. If i exceed 50gb per month, than speed is dramaticly slows down at 256 kbps. now i have speed over 50mbits/s

if there is any way to detect by script slow speed or, somehow to monitor if my download traffic is less then 50gb?

Re: How to detect slow speed or if ether1 exceed limit of 50 gb?

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2019 2:56 pm
by creatin

I know it's an old thread, is this information still needed?
Do you have a quota of 50 gb on your download only or on total traffic (download + upload)