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Can the dude populate a map with the device names?

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 11:40 pm
by nrowell
Hey there everyone.

I work at a small internet service provider and we use The Dude to monitor and map out Mikrotiks.
I am responsible for maintaining The Dude at my job and I'm always updating and cleaning up our maps.

My question today is, does anyone know how to get The Dude network discover to display a name for the device when it draws it on the map? My discovery settings are running as SNMP, IP, but it only populates the map with the devices name as their respective IP addresses displayed (I want it to auto populate displaying the device name instead.) All of the Mikrotiks that we deploy are assigned with the customers name as the device name. When I hover my mouse over a device on the map i can see that the SNMP is pulling the name value from the device but it is not creating the network map object with the name displayed.

Is there a way to achieve what I am doing? Or do I have to continue manually editing each map object and replacing the name (IP address) with the name (Device/System Name)?

Hope someone can help!! Thanks.

Re: Can the dude populate a map with the device names?

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2018 1:21 pm
by Donkeyrollerz
Hey there!

Your best bet is to go to your map. Settings> 'Appearance' tab > 'Label' and enter the below:
Should provide the name of the device grafted using SNMP/ DUDE.

Hope this is of help!

Re: Can the dude populate a map with the device names?

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 1:51 am
by billjellis
Here is what i use for the System Identity.

[ros_command(":put [/system identity get name]")][Device.FirstAddress] [Device.RosVersion]

Thanks for the SNMP
