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P2P in local network

Fri Feb 23, 2007 6:14 pm

Hello to everyone

I have this problem: All the P2P connections are passing trough the router to the internet and this is reducing mi internet bandwidth. I don’t see any P2P between my users, I would like to enable this to reduce the use of my internet connection and the users could share between them at local speeds.

Here is my setup:

-2 Public IP (two gateways)
-For costumers: /24 cust1= cust2= custnnn 192.168.228.nnn.
-UPnP enable.
-AP isolation disable (users can communicate with each other).

Everything is working fine at firewall and queues, I can block o shape P2P traffic but I want to offer better P2P speeds.

In other words, if I use Ares I can see lots of users from outside my private network, but I can not see any from my network (I am using two computers and search for a file that I know is in the other computer).

I think there is a problem with the clients addressing (netmask 24) or with NAT. Does anybody have an idea????
