I found a solution to my problem of running scripts that require more permissions than read, write, reboot, test. I transferred the responsibility for running scripts to Scheduler, but the initiator of the launch is Netwatch. The scheduler that runs the required script is in the "disable" state, and Netwatch puts It in the "enabled"state. But before you do this, you must set the scheduler to the current date and time 10 seconds ahead. Time delay start choose to your taste, it depends on the speed of the scripts and that it was not less than the interval between the calculation of the start time and enable scheduler. In my example, is considered a transition if the value is 59 seconds, 59 minutes and 23 hours. for example ,if now 10:10:50, and we need to run the script after 30 seconds, then the start time will be 10:11:20. This will not work with the date when switching to a new day, it does not matter to me, because at night I do not care about the speed of operation, and the script will work at the interval specified in the scheduler. Then, when the last script is executed, the scheduler will go back to the disable state.
The Configuration Of The Netwatch
/system script run DeltaTime
/system scheduler enable CHECK-INET-ALARM
Script DeltaTime
#Time separator character
:local Mysymbol ":";
#Time change (maximum 23 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds). If you want to subtract, make the value of the variable negative
:local deltaH 0;
:local deltaM 0;
:local deltaS 10;
#Time two characters and add a change to them
:local MyTime1 ([:pick [/system clock get time] 0 2]+$deltaH);
:local MyTime2 ([:pick [/system clock get time] 3 5]+$deltaM);
:local MyTime3 ([:pick [/system clock get time] 6 8]+$deltaS);
:local MyDate (:pick [/system clock get date] );
:if ($MyTime3>="60") do={ :set MyTime3 ($MyTime3 - 60); :set MyTime2 ($MyTime2 + 1);} else={:if ($MyTime3<"0") do={ :set MyTime3 ($MyTime3 + 60); :set MyTime2 ($MyTime2 + 1);}};
:if ($MyTime2>="60") do={ :set MyTime2 ($MyTime2 - 60); :set MyTime1 ($MyTime1 + 1);} else={:if ($MyTime2<"0") do={ :set MyTime2 ($MyTime2 + 60); :set MyTime1 ($MyTime1 - 1);}};
:if ($MyTime1>="24") do={ :set MyTime1 ($MyTime1 - 24)} else={:if ($MyTime1<"0") do={ :set MyTime1 ($MyTime1 + 24)}};
#Get the current time plus $delta
:local DeltaPlus [:totime ($MyTime1.$Mysymbol.$MyTime2.$Mysymbol.$MyTime3)];
#Log for debugging
#:log info $MyTime1;
#:log info $MyTime2;
#:log info $MyTime3;
#:log info $DeltaPlus;
#:log info $MyDate;
#Changing the scheduler settings
/system scheduler set start-time=$DeltaPlus start-date=$MyDate CHECK-INET-ALARM
/system scheduler set start-time=$DeltaPlus start-date=$MyDate CHECK-LOCAL-ALARM
The Configuration Of The Sheduler
/system script run CHECK-INET-ALARM
/system script run CHECK-LOCAL-ALARM
In the last script there is a line that turns off the scheduler
/system scheduler disable CHECK-INET-ALARM