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new EOIP tunnel won't run

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2018 9:52 am
by jaytcsd
Used the same commands on my hAP ac lite (site 2) as I did on my hAP ac but the tunnel won't run at site 2.
I deleted it and created it again, same thing.

site 1
/interface eoip> pr
Flags: X - disabled, R - running
0 R name="eoip-tunnel_1" mtu=auto actual-mtu=1408 l2mtu=65535 mac-address=02:7C:45:57:C9:9C arp=enabled arp-timeout=auto loop-protect=default
loop-protect-status=off loop-protect-send-interval=5s loop-protect-disable-time=5m
local-address=[public IP 1] remote-address=[public IP 2] tunnel-id=1 keepalive=10s,10 dscp=inherit clamp-tcp-mss=yes
dont-fragment=no ipsec-secret="test" allow-fast-path=no

site 2
/interface eoip> pr
Flags: X - disabled, R - running
0 name="eoip-tunnel_1" mtu=auto actual-mtu=1408 l2mtu=65535 mac-address=02:9E:06:F2:50:6A arp=enabled arp-timeout=auto loop-protect=default
loop-protect-status=off loop-protect-send-interval=5s loop-protect-disable-time=5m
local-address=[public IP 2] remote-address=[public IP1] tunnel-id=1 keepalive=10s,10 dscp=inherit clamp-tcp-mss=yes
dont-fragment=no ipsec-secret="test" allow-fast-path=no

Both routers running 6.43.4

Re: new EOIP tunnel won't run

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2018 10:35 am
by vecernik87
Completely wild guess - is it possible your firewall is blocking IPsec?

Re: new EOIP tunnel won't run

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2018 11:52 am
by ianngrh
You can troubleshoot and narrowing the problem using this step.

1. Check connection between user using ping & traceroute. Is it reachable or not?
2. You may try to remove local IP on EoIP setting to test since it not mandatory. Is it working or not?
3. Try to not using ipsec secret. Is it working or not?