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Management process - High CPU usage

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2018 6:01 pm
by aciddo

I've got a hAP lite router at my home, which was working fine for months now, until yesterday.
Suddenly, some devices lost wifi connectivity to the router and they couldn't connect anymore. There is a maximum of 6 devices connecting to this router over wifi (no LAN devices at all).
Connected a LAN cable directly to the router and tried to access it via Winbox. It took ages, but eventually I managed to login onto it.
Checked the CPU utilisation, where the management process seems to consume almost all of the available cpu...


During this time the device obviously is misbehaving, meaning that some devices have access to the internet, others not etc
Access via SSH is very slow and once I manage to get in, some of the commands do not respond at all.
If I reboot the device, initially everything works, up to 30mins-1h then same behavior occurs ..

Any ideas why this is happening ?

I tried to upgrade to the latest package versions, but I was unable to do so, as it complains that I don't have enough space to do so.


Re: Management process - High CPU usage

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2018 6:36 pm
by sebastia
which version of software are you running? versions prior to 6.41 had some security bugs which could result in routers being taken over. is your router accessible from internet?

Normally the down load be able to put the image into ramdrive / memory and upgrade from there. What do you see if you list /files content?

Re: Management process - High CPU usage

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2021 11:11 pm
by kirgudu
I have the same problem on Hap AC 6.48.1
 /tool profile
NAME                    CPU        USAGE
l2tp                                  0%
ethernet                            1.5%
console                             0.5%
dns                                   0%
firewall                            8.5%
networking                            6%
ipsec                                 0%
winbox                                0%
logging                               0%
management                           33%
encrypting                            0%
routing                             0.5%
bridging                              1%
unclassified                          3%
total                                54%