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SFP+ conflict with Another Ether port (ISP)

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2018 6:15 pm
by Anthonyh25
Hi, I'm new in the world of Mikroti and I've been learning by myself so there's a lot of things that I still don't know, so.... here's my problem:

I have two ISP, The first and principal with Fiber in my SFP+ port and the other one with Ethernet cable; the thing is that when I have enabled both the SFP+ interface and the ETHERNET interface at the same time I can't get to the Internet. So what I've been doing is disabling one or another when the Fiber connection starts failing and changing the NAT rule to either of them.

My Router is a CCR 1009-7g-1c-1s+

SFP+/Combo1(SFP-ETH)/ ETH1 / ETH2/ ETH3 / Bridge(ETH4-ETH5-ETH6) / ETH7
(ISP)/ (no use) /(No use)/ (ISP)/(no use)/(LAN Network-DHCP Server)/(no use)

I'm open to comments if you know what might been happening. Thanks

(English is not my mother language so I apologize in advance for any mistake)

Re: SFP+ conflict with Another Ether port (ISP)

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2018 11:29 pm
by Steveocee
How do you want to use your 2 connections? Are you wanting to load balance them or have a simple failover?
Simple failover could be achieved like this;
/ip route
add check-gateway=ping distance=1 gateway=PRIMARY_WAN_INTERFACE
add distance=2 gateway=SECONDARY_WAN_INTERFACE
For your NAT rules I would suggest firstly going into Interfaces and creating a list called "WAN-Interfaces" and adding both your WAN interfaces to that list. Once done you can create a single NAT rule that you can use to use both interfaces when the time arises by having an out-interface-list=WAN-Interfaces.

Maybe some more detail and we can get you working better?

Re: SFP+ conflict with Another Ether port (ISP)

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2018 1:07 am
by Anthonyh25
A simple failover is ok, I had this configuration before but Ether-Ether, not Fiber-Ether.

I have to disable either the SFP+ or the Ether whenever I want to use the conrary ISP to get to the Internet. When I have the two WAN interfaces UP I can't navigate. I must disable one to get it to work.

So: Fiber (UP), Eth (DOWN) Fine
Fiber (DOWN), Eth (UP) Fine
Fiber (UP), Eth (UP) Conflict

Re: SFP+ conflict with Another Ether port (ISP)

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2018 10:44 am
by Steveocee
You don't have the ether into the combo port do you? Combo is 1 or the other and not both.

Re: SFP+ conflict with Another Ether port (ISP)

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2018 12:42 pm
by Anthonyh25
Yup. I have nothing on my combo port. The distribution is like this:

SFP+ /Combo1(SFP-ETH)/--ETH1--/ETH2/--ETH3---/-Bridge(ETH4-ETH5-ETH6)-/-ETH7
(ISP1)/--------(no use)-------/(No use)/(ISP2)/(No use)/(LAN Network-DHCP Server)/(no use)

Re: SFP+ conflict with Another Ether port (ISP)  [SOLVED]

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2018 4:42 am
by Aron688
Why connect two ISP to one router? I do not think this will work. If you use the SFP+ for ISP, the Combo port and Ethernet ports can only be used to connect Ethernet devices.

Re: SFP+ conflict with Another Ether port (ISP)

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2018 3:02 pm
by Anthonyh25
Why connect two ISP to one router? I do not think this will work. If you use the SFP+ for ISP, the Combo port and Ethernet ports can only be used to connect Ethernet devices.
Ooooh I see. Didn't know it worked like that. Thanks a lot.

We bought a simple TP-Link Router for our other ISP so we can have active both providers simultaneously.

Re: SFP+ conflict with Another Ether port (ISP)

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2018 3:59 pm
by mkx
Answer by @Aron688 is technically incorrect. Any port on any RB can be configured as WAN, LAN, DMZ, you-name-it port.

Answer by @Aron688 is correct for SOHO models running at default configuration.

@Anthonyh25: post configuration (run command /export hide-sensitive and paste contents into code environment - [.] at top of window for writing forum topic). It might well be that your basic CCR configuration is not adapted to have dual WAN.