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Storing POE Port status from Netonix

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 7:33 pm
by jmay
Anyone figure out a way to use the dude to store port information from a Netonix POE Switch? I'd like to have history so when one dies (which happens a lot) I can have access to which ports had POE on and whether they were 24v or 48v. I figure I can graph which works and gives me a 24 or 48 graph to view, but the problem comes in with a port that is set to off, I then get a probe error showing down which I don't really want.

Heres the oid for port 1 for example
Return values are 24V 48V and Off

Anyone doing anything like this?

Re: Storing POE Port status from Netonix

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2020 7:09 pm
by WirelessRudy
Did you ever found your answer?
I would like to know now, I am setting up Dude and have some 8 Netonix switches in my network. I would like to draw as much info from them I can that is useful.
But its hard to find the needed oid's