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CRS212, "router was rebooted without proper shutdown", igmp-snooping, bug?

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 4:09 am
by gard
Hello all!
Sheme: CRS212, bridge without vlan filtering, igmp-snooping ON.
Any port can be connected RB260 (example), as access-switch.

If option igmp-snooping enable, and in "bridge - MDB" I see multicast traffit on ports.
Example: sfp5 - 2 multicast-channels and sfp7 - 3 multicast-channels to clients STB.
In this situation I often see as CRS212 starts to reboot.
Solution - disable igmp-snooping in bridge settings.

It's bug?
The problem periodically occurs, but not on all devices at the same time.
It depends on how many subscribers watch TV from ports CRS212.
And.. this behavior is observed on multiple devices.

Re: CRS212, "router was rebooted without proper shutdown", igmp-snooping, bug?

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2021 11:05 am
by priit
Thank you, gard!
Your post saved the day, as this was exactly the problem with one of our customer.

CRS212 started to "reboot wthout proper shutdown".
After extensive diagnostics of power lines and SFP modules, I found your post and got a clue.

Indeed, turning on IGMP snooping - with good intentions - caused the whole circus.

It definitely is a bug/feature, but as CRS212 is not in production any more (?), we can only adapt to the restriction.