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Redundancy with OSPF

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2019 5:01 pm
by kokaKorina
Hello Everyone
We are operating a small WISP. We been using static routing and we had no redundancy at all but after having some power failure at some of our sites now we want to have redundancy and load balancing.So my question is can we just use static routing with different costs value for redundancy or we have to use a routing protocol and if we use routing protocol we have some other connection with main router that we do not want to be changed is it gonna effect them too. I am attaching a picture of what I want all replies are appreciated.
I was thinking of using ospf if in any case we have to use it and we also want load balancing on our links in case one fails the other one does not have problems .

Re: Redundancy with OSPF

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2019 6:31 pm
by klasaradnicka

Re: Redundancy with OSPF

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2019 8:21 pm
by StubArea51
If you want absolute control over your traffic paths, eBGP will work well, otherwise OSPF will be better than static routes but is more limited in its ability to manipulate traffic.

Here is a presentation I did at the US MUM in 2017 which covers a lot of the questions you have in the first half. ... 062656.pdf