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cAP AC, Xbox, 5ghz wifi not connecting

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2019 11:33 am
by lucidnx
Can somebody help me where to start with connecting Xbox to Mikrotik WiFi?

Issue: Xbox one see 5ghz wifi but won't connect to it after entering password. there is no new device in dhcp server even without wireless password (open wifi) so problem is somewhere in radio options, maybe frequencies...

What works: Xbox work normally on 2.4ghz, even when there is 5ghz wifi with same name (but connected to 2.4ghz only), Xbox see all other AP's around, each of mine too.

I have cAP AC controlled with capsman from RB3011UiAS-RM.
5GHz wifi use a/n/ac Ceee 20mhz, on same cAP there is 2.4GHZ with 20mhz b/g/n Ce
5ghz rates: 6Mbps, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54
HT Basic MCS: 0-7
HT Supported MCS: 0-23
VHT Basic MCS: MCS 0-7
VHT Supported MCS: MCS 0-9
Country: Slovakia set on all SSID's
Client to Client forwarding - yes on all

Re: cAP AC, Xbox, 5ghz wifi not connecting

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2019 8:06 pm
by anav
take the n out of the 5ghz network and see if the xbox still sees it?
My cap AC is setup as follows
set [ find default-name=wlan2 ] band=5ghz-n/ac channel-width=20/40/80mhz-Ceee \

Re: cAP AC, Xbox, 5ghz wifi not connecting

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 9:14 am
by lucidnx
I have disabled capsman and set my WiFi on cAP AC and it's working now.. it seems that capsman have some misconfigurations