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gateway confusion

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2019 4:28 pm
by kokaKorina
Hello Everyone
I had a question if someone can answer me I would really appreciate it. We hava a ring topology and and their is a main my question is because of ring topology most routers are not connected to the main router(except 2) then why their default gateway is always the main router in some cases there are two other routers between the main router and the router which had that main router as a default gateway. As far as I know we always make the next router that is connected to us directly can be only default gateway.I am attaching a picture Sorry if my questions is not cleared but I hope it will make clear with the topology diagram.
So according to me router 2 should be default gateway for the router 3 and 6 should be default gateway for the router 5 but for all these routers the only default gateway is the main router ?
All replies will be appreciated!!!!

Re: gateway confusion

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 7:47 pm
by solar77
many some IP address information on the topology?
do you have OSPF configured?

Re: gateway confusion

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 10:29 pm
by tippenring
Sounds to me like "routers" 2-6 are functioning as bridges rather than routers. They probably have an IP address for management. Are the router IPs all on the same subnet?