I am new to Mikrotik having just purchased an RB4011.
I have it up and running with my primary Internet line without any issues.
I am trying to get dual wan fail over working (not load balancing, as my backup line isn't as fast as my primary).
After much reading, I have managed to get the basic fail over working. I did this by adding a new route with distance 2, and enabled gateway checking. I also added the firewall entries for wan2 (copied the default wan1 entries that were created when the router automatically setup the configuration for the primary wan).
The primary wan works fine. When I disable the port for testing, it does fail over to the secondary wan.
The problem is, when I re-enable wan1, the Internet stops working, and it does not seem to come back until I disable the port for wan2, which then forces wan1 to work again.
Any suggestions on what might be the issue?
Please note that I am extremely new to Mikrotik (and advanced routing in general), and everything I have been doing Is via the gui / winbox.