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Rb112 lost its license

Sat Mar 17, 2007 5:19 pm

Hi, a have a problem with an Rb112

We use it for surveys, and at last reboot it showed as if it had no license..
No upgrade has been done, just a power off, and on next power on, licence seems to be lost.
I do not remeber if it was a lev.3 or lev.4 (it is not important anyway, as it's used for surveys , a level 3 would fit), but at this moment it says it has no license at all.
Is there any way to restore it? or ask the license back to MT?
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Sat Mar 17, 2007 8:25 pm

RB112's are typically licensed by MT at the factory, and then the license is transfered to the control of the reseller that buys the boards for resale. If you have the serial number of the board, then the records should exist showing when it was sold and which license scheme was in effect at the time.

Start with the company you bought the board from, it's possible they can give you license key again as long as the license ID didn't get altered during the glitch that caused the key to vanish.

Beyond that, at least you'll have proof of when it was bought and how long the license was good for, if it was one of the older expiring licenses, when you try to get a replacement key from MT.
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Sun Mar 18, 2007 2:16 pm

The same happened here. I´ve got the original license via our distributor.
It lasted just a few hours...
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Mon Mar 19, 2007 8:51 am

Contact support department with software-id of the router.
If router is not functioning, in other words you are not able to get software-id from the RouterOS by 'system license print'.
Use netinstall to get software-id, ... nstall.php
It will show software-id, when router will be recognized by netinstall.