The setting in CAPsMAN ‘require the same version’ is not much used cause most often CAPsMAN & AP (CAP) use different hardware type.
In my case I’m using as CAPsMAN CHR CM & as CAP the board CAPac.
From my point of view when the setting in CapsMan in upgrade policy is ON -> 'Require Same Version' should always work despite the type of Routerboard or VM used.
CapsMan is used for central management of AP's which means it should make life easier, reference Manager systems from other vendors.
Most often the type of system used differs from the AP,
Manager: RB1100AHX4, CRRxxx appliances or X86 devices, VM or Cloud VM
Caps: CAP, CAPac, WAP, WAPac, HAP, HAPac, etc....
Here's my suggestion to solve this:
If ‘require same version’ is crossed on the following can be done:
Add an multiple input section field where you can select the AP Routerboard type/System used & path where to put the packages will be stored (of course first requirement is if there is space enough available).
AP Board/System
X86, etc
Select only the type of Board used as AP (CAP).
For these marked hardware the packages with the same type should be downloaded to the correct Path.
Package type: long-term / Stable / Testing -> should always be the same as the package type of the Manager.
Then the CAP will check the version of RouterOS, if Version differs then CAP needs will be upgraded automatically.
CAP will get the package from the correct path.
Kind Regards,