Sounding the beeper when a LAN device pings the router
Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2019 9:00 pm
Could anyone help me with a script that sounds the beeper when a Lan device pings the router ?
Community discussions
/ip firewall filter
add action=accept chain=input comment=pingcatch in-interface-list=LAN log=yes \
log-prefix=Ping protocol=icmp
/system scheduler
add interval=1s name=pingbeep on-event=":global pingcont;\r\
\n:if ([:len \$pingcont]=>0) do={:set \$pingcont [/ip firewal filter ge
nd comment=\"pingcatch\"] packets]};\r\
\n/ip firewall filter\r\
\n:if ([get [find comment=\"pingcatch\"] packets]>\$pingcont) do={\r\
\n:beep frequency=3000 length=100ms; :delay 100ms;\r\
\n:beep frequency=250 length=100ms; :delay 100ms;\r\
\n:beep frequency=2000 length=100ms; :delay 100ms;\r\
\n:set \$pingcont (\$pingcont+1)}" policy=read,write,policy,test \