None of my scripts will execute, even the simple ones. When I click the Run Script button (or execute the command using the terminal) nothing happens. No error, no execution, nothing.
What is causing this?
:log info "Dynamic IP Update Via Mail: Begin"
:global dip-interface "I-Burst"
:global dip-ip [ /ip address get [/ip address find interface=$dip-interface] address ]
:if ([ :typeof $dip-lastip ] = nil ) do={ :global dip-lastip }
:if ([ :typeof $dip-ip ] = nil ) do={
:log info ("Dynamic IP Update Via Mail: No ip address present on " . $dip-interface . ", please check.")
} else={
:if ($dip-ip != $dip-lastip) do={
:log info "Dynamic IP Update Via Mail: Attempting to Send Updated IP ". $dip-ip
/tool e-mail send to="" body=$dip-ip subject=([/system identity get name] . " New IP Address " . $dip-ip)
:log info "Dynamic IP Update Via Mail: Sending UPDATE!"
:global dip-lastip $dip-ip
} else={
:log info "Dynamic IP Update Via Mail: No change"
:log info "Dynamic IP Update Via Mail: End"
/tool e-mail send to="" body=$dip-ip subject=([/system identity get name] . " New IP Address " . $dip-ip)
/ tool user-manager user
add subscriber=Justin name="Test" password="test" first-name="Justin" \
last-name="Minnaar" phone="011 849 5336" location="Howick Gardens #56" \
email="" download-limit=100000000 \
upload-limit=100000000 comment="Test account with 100k up and 100k down" disabled=no
:log info "Dynamic IP Update Via Mail: Attempting to Send Updated IP ". $dip-ip
:log info ( "Dynamic IP Update Via Mail: Attempting to Send Updated IP " . $dip-ip )
Yip. That would be great! Some form of a tool to guide you in the right direction when debugging. I sat once for 3 hours staring at a uncompilable script just to find a simple math error.That would definitely be a very useful tool.