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Inaccessible / crashed mANTBox 15S

Mon Mar 25, 2019 4:27 am

OK, so I have a ticket already in with Mikrotik hoping they can point me to something simple I missed, but while I'm waiting for them, I thought I'd check with the forum and see if anyone else has seen these problems.

So my setup is pretty simple: internet enters an rb2011, gets sent to a remote repeater via a pair or LHGXL5's. Remote site is an LHGXL5 in bridge mode plugged into my mANTBox15 which has NAT and routing setup (Don't ask, but it's three times faster when setup this way over using the rb2011 as the router over this segment.) Now this works well and I'm pulling 150M easily over each network hop. Great!

The issue I'm having is the mANTBox becomes unresponsive after an unpredictable amount of time. It's not a firewall issue as I can access it normally over either side of it's NAT (intentional). However after somewhere between 1-14 hours it becomes inaccessible. Now it's oddly still routing and running data over it during this time for at least a little while (an hour or so). It's pingable at it's local IP address as well as it's wan address. However it's not accessible from WinBox or webfig. At some point after this, it stops routing traffic all together right up until power cycling at which point it operates normally again for the next 1-14 hours.

-I thought I'd be clever and just setup a reboot script (power cycles every 6 hours) but that doesn't seem to address the issue at all.
-I've looked at packages and disabled everything I didn't need.
-I've updated to the latest as I wanted to try out nv2 again, so it's running 6.44.1 right now.
-I've considered power, but it's currently running off a fully regulated 24v supply, and /system/health agrees with my volt meter that it's a solid 23.9v into it.
-I've swapped from POE in to using the DC in, no different.

So what do you guys think I should check next? At this point, I'm basically down to thinking it's a lifting solder joint under one of the chips. As it's about the only thing that makes sense to me to represent the symptoms. But even this doesn't fit well, because it should almost immediately stop working after plugging back in (like one second is enough for it to work normal again).

In case someone from Mikrotik sees this : [Ticket#2019032322000625]
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Re: Inaccessible / crashed mANTBox 15S

Mon Apr 08, 2019 3:01 am

Ok so I finally have something of interest in the log. Does anyone know what this means or how I can get more information to log on it?

system,error,critical router rebooted because some critical program crashed
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Re: Inaccessible / crashed mANTBox 15S

Mon Apr 08, 2019 8:18 am

If there's a file autosupout.rif in the files area, get it and contact ...