Router OS 6.44.2 OVPN Setting please help me!
Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2019 3:01 am
Hello, I am operating version 6.44.2 with router RB1100AHx4.
There is a problem.
A. We have established OPENVPN, but we do not normally communicate with ROUTER DDNS.
B. CA, CLIENT Certificate was created to connect OPENVPN to CLIENT, but the following messenger appears.
CLIENT LOG FILE : client1822100098log
The router's log did not contain any VPN connection log, including errors.
I want to build openvpn while maintaining an "inter-vlan."
I’ll record the router’s settings, judging it as a router’s problem.
And I would appreciate it if you could see the router's settings and tell me the problem.
** Structure vlan **
MGMT-VLAN = [ VLAN - IDS = 100 ]
IBM-VLAN = [ VLAN - IDS = 30 ]
RB1100AH x4 ROUTER INTER-VLAN Configure!
And this is the setting for building OPEN VPN
client ovpn file configure
dev trun
proto tcp
remote [mikrotik ddns address] 1194
resolv-retry infinite
ca CA.crt
cert client1822100098.crt
key client1822100098.key
remote-cert-tls server
cipher AES-256-CBC
auth SHA1
redirect-gateway def1
verb 3
+ And I drew the system that I wanted. Please watch it.
Finally, I want VLAN and OPEN VPN to be able to communicate.
There is a problem.
A. We have established OPENVPN, but we do not normally communicate with ROUTER DDNS.
B. CA, CLIENT Certificate was created to connect OPENVPN to CLIENT, but the following messenger appears.
CLIENT LOG FILE : client1822100098log
The router's log did not contain any VPN connection log, including errors.
I want to build openvpn while maintaining an "inter-vlan."
I’ll record the router’s settings, judging it as a router’s problem.
And I would appreciate it if you could see the router's settings and tell me the problem.
** Structure vlan **
MGMT-VLAN = [ VLAN - IDS = 100 ]
IBM-VLAN = [ VLAN - IDS = 30 ]
RB1100AH x4 ROUTER INTER-VLAN Configure!
Code: Select all
# Naming #
# name the device being configured
[cskisa@Router] >/system identity set name=”Router”
# VLAN OverView #
# 100 = MGMT VLAN [ ]
# 30 = IBM VLAN [ ]
# Bridge #
# Create one bridge, set VLAN mode off while we configure
[cskisa@Router] >/interface bridge add name=BR1 protocol-mode=none vlan-filtering=no
# Trunk Ports #
# ingress behavior
[cskisa@Router] >/interface bridge port
# Purple Trunk. Leave pvid set to default of 1
[cskisa@Router] >/interface bridge port add bridge=BR1 interface=eth2
[cskisa@Router] >/interface bridge port add bridge=BR1 interface=eth3
[cskisa@Router] >/interface bridge port add bridge=BR1 interface=eth4
[cskisa@Router] >/interface bridge port add bridge=BR1 interface=eth5
[cskisa@Router] >/interface bridge port add bridge=BR1 interface=eth6
[cskisa@Router] >/interface bridge port add bridge=BR1 interface=eth7
[cskisa@Router] >/interface bridge port add bridge=BR1 interface=eth8
[cskisa@Router] >/interface bridge port add bridge=BR1 interface=eth9
[cskisa@Router] >/interface bridge port add bridge=BR1 interface=eth10
[cskisa@Router] >/interface bridge port add bridge=BR1 interface=eth11
[cskisa@Router] >/interface bridge port add bridge=BR1 interface=eth12
[cskisa@Router] >/interface bridge port add bridge=BR1 interface=eth13
# egress behavior
[cskisa@Router] >/interface bridge vlan
# Purple Trunk. These need IP Service [ L3 ], so add Bridge as member
[cskisa@Router] >/interface bridge vlan add bridge=BR1 tagged=BR1,eth2 vlan-ids=20
[cskisa@Router] >/interface bridge vlan add bridge=BR1 tagged=BR1,eth2 vlan-ids=30
[cskisa@Router] >/interface bridge vlan add bridge=BR1 tagged=BR1,eth2 untagged=eth3,eth4,eth5,eth6,eth7,eth8,eth9,eth10,eth11,eth12,eth13 vlan-ids=100
# IP Addressing & Routing #
# LAN facing router’s IP address on the MGMT-VLAN
[cskisa@Router] >/interface vlan add interface=BR1 name=MGMT-VLAN vlan-id=100
[cskisa@Router] >/ip address add address= interface=MGMT-VLAN
# DNS server [ QUAD9 DNS ] ,set to cache for LAN
[cskisa@Router] >/ip dns set allow-remote-requests=yes servers=””
# ISP to eth interface DHCP setup
[cskisa@Router] >/ip dhcp-client add interface=eth1
# eth1 DHCP Client enable
[cskisa@Router] >/ip dhcp-client enable 0
# SUPERMICRO VLAN interface creation, IP assignment, and DHCP service
[cskisa@Router] >/interface vlan add interface=BR1 name=SUPERMICRO-VLAN vlan-id=20
[cskisa@Router] >/ip address add interface=SUPERMICRO-VLAN address=
[cskisa@Router] >/ip pool add name=SUPERMICRO-POOL ranges=
[cskisa@Router] >/ip dhcp-server add address-pool=SUPERMICRO-POOL interface=SUPERMICRO-VLAN name=SUPERMICRO-DHCP disabled=no
[cskisa@Router] >/ip dhcp-server network add address= dns-server= gateway=
# IBM VLAN interface creation, IP assignment, and DHCP service
[cskisa@Router] >/interface vlan add interface=BR1 name=IBM-VLAN vlan-id=30
[cskisa@Router] >/ip address add interface=IBM-VLAN address=
[cskisa@Router] >/ip pool add name=IBM-POOL ranges=
[cskisa@Router] >/ip dhcp-server add address-pool=IBM-POOL interface=IBM-VLAN name=IBM-DHCP disabled=no
[cskisa@Router] >/ip dhcp-server network add address= dns-server= gateway=
# Create a DHCP instance for MGMT-VLAN. Convenience feature for an admin.
[cskisa@Router] >/ip pool add name=MGMT-POOL ranges=
[cskisa@Router] >/ip dhcp-server add address-pool=MGMT-POOL interface=MGMT-VLAN name=MGMT-DHCP disabled=no
[cskisa@Router] >/ip dhcp-server network add address= dns-server= gateway=
# Firewalling & NAT rule #
# A good firewall for WAN, Up to you about how you want LAN to behave. #
# Use Mikrotik’s “list” feature for easy rule matchmaking.
[cskisa@Router] >/interface list add name=WAN
[cskisa@Router] >/interface list add name=VLAN
[cskisa@Router] >/interface list add name=MGMT
[cskisa@Router] >/interface list member add interface=eth1 list=WAN
[cskisa@Router] >/interface list member add interface=MGMT-VLAN list=VLAN
[cskisa@Router] >/interface list member add interface=SUPERMICRO-VLAN list=VLAN
[cskisa@Router] >/interface list member add interface=IBM-VLAN list=VLAN
[cskisa@Router] >/interface list member add interface=MGMT-VLAN list=MGMT
# VLAN aware firewall. Order is important.
[cskisa@Router] >/ip firewall filter
[cskisa@Router] >/ip firewall filter add chain=input action=accept connection-state=established,related comment=”Allow Estab & Related”
# Allow VLANs to access router services like DNS, Winbox, Naturally, you SHOULD make it more granular.
[cskisa@Router] >/ip firewall filter add chain=input action=accept in-interface-list=VLAN comment=”Allow VLAN”
# Allow MGMT-VLAN full access to the device for Winbox, etc.
[cskisa@Router] >/ip firewall filter add chain=input action=accept in-interface-list=MGMT comment=”Allow MGMT-VLAN Full Access”
[cskisa@Router] >/ip firewall filter add chain=input action=drop comment=”Drop”
# Add rules for VLANs to allow DNS services
[cskisa@Router] >/ip firewall filter add chain=input action=accept in-interface-list=VLAN dst-port=53 protocol=udp connection-state=new
[cskisa@Router] >/ip firewall filter add chain=input action=accept in-interface-list=VLAN dst-port=53 protocol=tcp connection-state=new
# FTP,SSH,Telnet Block access to a drop attacks.
[cskisa@Router] >/ip firewall filter add chain=input action=drop comment=”Drop FTP,SSH,Telnet from inbound” dst-port=21,22,23,137,139,445 protocol=tcp
[cskisa@Router] >/ip firewall filter add chain=forward action=accept connection-state=established,related comment=”Allow Estab & Related”
# Allow all VLANs to access the Internet only, Not each other
[cskisa@Router] >/ip firewall filter add chain=forward action=accept connection-state=new in-interface-list=VLAN out-interface-list=WAN comment=”VLAN Internet Access only”
[cskisa@Router] >/ip firewall filter add chain=forward action=drop comment=”Drop”
# NAT #
[cskisa@Router] >/ip firewall nat add chain=srcnat action=masquerade out-interface-list=WAN comment=”Default masquerade”
# VLAN Security #
[cskisa@Router] >/interface bridge port set bridge=BR1 interface=eth2 ingress-filtering=yes frame-types=admit-only-vlan-tagged
[cskisa@Router] >/interface bridge port set bridge=BR1 interface=eth3 pvid=100 ingress-filtering=yes frame-types=admit-only-untagged-and-priority-tagged
[cskisa@Router] >/interface bridge port set bridge=BR1 interface=eth4 pvid=100 ingress-filtering=yes frame-types=admit-only-untagged-and-priority-tagged
[cskisa@Router] >/interface bridge port set bridge=BR1 interface=eth5 pvid=100 ingress-filtering=yes frame-types=admit-only-untagged-and-priority-tagged
[cskisa@Router] >/interface bridge port set bridge=BR1 interface=eth6 pvid=100 ingress-filtering=yes frame-types=admit-only-untagged-and-priority-tagged
[cskisa@Router] >/interface bridge port set bridge=BR1 interface=eth7 pvid=100 ingress-filtering=yes frame-types=admit-only-untagged-and-priority-tagged
[cskisa@Router] >/interface bridge port set bridge=BR1 interface=eth8 pvid=100 ingress-filtering=yes frame-types=admit-only-untagged-and-priority-tagged
[cskisa@Router] >/interface bridge port set bridge=BR1 interface=eth9 pvid=100 ingress-filtering=yes frame-types=admit-only-untagged-and-priority-tagged
[cskisa@Router] >/interface bridge port set bridge=BR1 interface=eth10 pvid=100 ingress-filtering=yes frame-types=admit-only-untagged-and-priority-tagged
[cskisa@Router] >/interface bridge port set bridge=BR1 interface=eth11 pvid=100 ingress-filtering=yes frame-types=admit-only-untagged-and-priority-tagged
[cskisa@Router] >/interface bridge port set bridge=BR1 interface=eth12 pvid=100 ingress-filtering=yes frame-types=admit-only-untagged-and-priority-tagged
[cskisa@Router] >/interface bridge port set bridge=BR1 interface=eth13 pvid=100 ingress-filtering=yes frame-types=admit-only-untagged-and-priority-tagged
# MAC Server Settings #
# Ensure only visibility and availability from MGMT-VLAN, the MGMT network
[cskisa@Router] >/ip neighbor discovery-settings set discover-interface-list=MGMT
[cskisa@Router] >/tool mac-server mac-winbox set allowed-interface-list=MGMT
[cskisa@Router] >/tool mac-server set allowed-interface-list=MGMT
# Turn on VLAN mode #
[cskisa@Router] >/interface bridge set BR1 vlan-filtering=yes
And this is the setting for building OPEN VPN
Code: Select all
/certificate add name=CA country="KR" state="KR" locality="ASAN" organization="D16LAB" common-name="CA" key-size=4096 days-valid=3650 key-usage=crl-sign,key-cert-sign
/certificate sign CA name=CA
/certificate add name=SERVER country="KR" state="KR" locality="ASAN" organization="D16LAB" common-name="SERVER" key-size=4096 days-valid=3650 key-usage=digital-signature,key-encipherment,tls-server
/certificate sign SERVER ca="CA" name="SERVER"
/certificate add name="CLIENT" country="KR" state="KR" locality="ASAN" organization="D16LAB" common-name="CLIENT" key-size=4096 days-valid=3650 key-suage=tls-client
/certificate add name=client1822100098 copy-from="CLIENT" common-name="client1822100098"
/certificate sign client1822100098 ca="CA" name="client1822100098"
/certificate export-certificate CA export-passphrase=""
/certificate export-certificate client1822100098 export-passphrase=skylake3926!
/ip pool add name=OVPN-POOL ranges=
/ppp profile add name=openvpn local-address= remote-address=OVPN-POOL dns-server= use-encryption=required use-compression=default use-mpls=default
/ppp secret add name=client1822100098 password=skylake3926! service=ovpn profile=openvpn
/interface ovpn-server server set enable=yes port=1194 mode=ip netmask=24 default-profile=openvpn certificate=SERVER require-client-certificate=yes auth=sha1 cipher=aes256
/ip firewall filter add chain=input protocol=tcp dst-port=1194 action=accept
client ovpn file configure
dev trun
proto tcp
remote [mikrotik ddns address] 1194
resolv-retry infinite
ca CA.crt
cert client1822100098.crt
key client1822100098.key
remote-cert-tls server
cipher AES-256-CBC
auth SHA1
redirect-gateway def1
verb 3
+ And I drew the system that I wanted. Please watch it.
Finally, I want VLAN and OPEN VPN to be able to communicate.