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LDF 5 AC High Power

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 9:53 pm
by maks750i
Do mikrotik plan to make some LDF 5 AC High Power something good like DynaDish product?
I like to use LDF 5 802.11n and LDF 802.11AC. But i need power(dBm) like a dyna dish or like net metal :)
LDF is great prouct to long range links
We have one LDF 5 802.11n on 30km with 100cm antena and its great :) 95M TCP or LDF 5 802.11AC 15km 150M TCP in town where i scan 90 networks.

Re: LDF 5 AC High Power

Posted: Sun May 12, 2019 3:15 am
by dangucci
Do mikrotik plan to make some LDF 5 AC High Power something good like DynaDish product?
I like to use LDF 5 802.11n and LDF 802.11AC. But i need power(dBm) like a dyna dish or like net metal :)
LDF is great prouct to long range links
We have one LDF 5 802.11n on 30km with 100cm antena and its great :) 95M TCP or LDF 5 802.11AC 15km 150M TCP in town where i scan 90 networks.
thats great, can you share pictures on how you installed the ldf 5 on the dish and how you also mounted it on mast or poles at both ends with configurations.
