Hi All
The signal spliter is used to connect more than one anttena with one radio.
Suppose we have a 2-way spliter that has 3 ports, one goes to the radio and the other two ports to anttenas.
All that ports have 50 ohms impedance, the question is : how can we know that the recieved signl from one anttena goes only to the radio and does not go to the other anttena as both the reciever and the other anttena have 50 ohms impedance?
Kind regards
Quite strange question but interesting. If adapted the whole system is one antenna, not two antennas. The fact that it is made of two different bodies is irrilevant to the readio device, it only "sees" one system with the (right) impedance.
Anyway take into account that it's better to do symmetrical systems. This means the same cable lenght for example because otherwise the signal "could arrive" (if it comes from the two antennas at the same time, i.e. overlapping zone) with a phase shift.