a couple of weeks ago I became aware that years of routerOS backups all nice and tidily organized in one of our backup servers are USESLESS if an older router goes belly up. Read all about it here.
Long story short, in case you're blissfully unaware like I was that using the winbox backup function gives you a file that you can't use in a different router I suggest you start implementing a script that gives you both the export and backup pronto!
Here's mine if you don't feel like writing from scratch:
Code: Select all
# Backup script.
# This script exports the compact configuration and then a full system backup to file.
# Both files will be created using system name and date.
# You may want to encrypt your backup file. Edit below with dontencrypt=yes encryption=aes-sha256
# and password=whatever
# Run it however you like (scheduler, manually, other scripts) and e-mail or download the files.
# As always, bugs, complaints, suggestions, free beer, all welcome.
# Regards, Networker
:local filename ([/system identity get name] . "." . [:pick [/system clock get date] 0 3] \
. "." . [:pick [/system clock get date] 4 6] . "." . [:pick [/system clock get date] 7 11]);
:export compact file=$filename;
/system backup save name=$filename dont-encrypt=yes