fee-based network access for their customers. Because of the distance,
we set them up with a VDSL connection to this building over one of their
own in-house twisted pairs. Works pretty good, the VDSL provides up to
16 Mbps throughput for the remote building, which far exceeds their own
uplink speed.
They have two issues.
1. bandwidth sharing
2. privacy for in-house computers
They want to limit total bandwidth used by their customers over the
shared uplink through our service. This part should be a piece of cake
except that they have one of their own computers that shares the VDSL
link. This sales computer needs to be able to access the rest of their
computers, as well as the uplink.
Is there a way to:
1. Limit their "guest" computers total bandwidth usage to some fraction
of their total
2. "Private-ize" their own network from the guest network
3. Provide a tunnel to the one computer that is attached to the guest
network, so that it can access the in-house network without restriction
Maybe a diagram:
Code: Select all
guest computers --/----- guest segment -----------(+)-------uplink
/ /
sales computer--/ /
in-house segment--/
accomplish all three of the goals?
Or do we need to create a second segment to the remote building?
-- Bill Prince
Skyline Broadband Service