My config: 2011UiAS (6.44.3) + Windows 2003 Small Business Server (with Active Directory)...
When I try to use pptp connection I got:
14:39:43 radius,debug new request 1b:02 code=Access-Request service=ppp called-id=ROUTEREXTERNALIP
14:39:43 radius,debug no radius server found for 1b:02
14:39:43 radius,debug timeout for 1b:02
I have this config:
/radius add address=MYADSERVERIP called-id=ROUTEREXTERNALIP domain=MYADDOMAIN secret=SeCrET5242 service=ppp src-address=ROUTERINTERNALIP timeout=2s500ms
/ppp profile add change-tcp-mss=yes dns-server=MYDNSSERVERIP local-address=ROUTERINTERNALIP name=vpn remote-address=vpn-pool
/ppp aaa set accounting=no use-radius=yes
Not working now. Is this feature or bug?