I have a Groove A-52HPn r2 which I just cannot make it play with capsman.
From memory, I had set up another Groove A-52HPn r2 long time back using capsman, so i am guessing some strange error is brought in by subsequent versions.
The error -
It just cannot be provisioned by capsman. I had tried to set it up using mac (shows up in provisioned tab), but whatever I try, it ignores the SSID and few other stuff (I think other tan reporting that it is now controlled by capsman it doesnot do anything)
From cpasman provision mikrotik - It shows up in provisioned tab, responds to provision again etc. It ignores all the settings and calls itself cap (ignores identity naming etc). Most importantly it DOESNOT respect the frequency allotted (channel) or the SSID. The SSID broadcasted is blank (.) and frequency is always 5785Mhz. I have tried using all the MAC, even put up a catch all mac of 0000000. Still it doesnot respect any stetting and defualts to blank SSID and 5785Mhz channel (I dont have this channel anywhere in cpasman!)
The logs are all correct.
From Groove - 3 standard lines - It joined the capsman succefully
From Cpas provision server - standard logs - Groove joined, provides radio xxx. Then cap1 (this name ignores my naming convention) selected channel 5785 (which doesnot exist in my capsman)
Whats wrong? Grooves cannot be provisioned by Capsman?